Wednesday 12 October 2016

new wave: design brief

After looking at the Italian neorealism new wave and analysing a couple of films, there is a common theme of shooting real people, for example the bicycle thieves protagonist is played by a factory worker in real life, this is so the director could get a better sense of realism. The films are also known for not having a happy ending, because of the realistic stories, they are given realistic endings which doesn't include a happy ending.

I hope to make a melancholy film following real people in situations that are not staged. This could be them walking around, looking at something but i also want to capture other real things. I want to take shots of something that are just there to look at. Something most people see in their everyday lives. I plan on making it melancholy with the music, when it comes to editing i want to give the short film, music to fit with he theme of how nothing is exciting, it's just everyday people in everyday lives, there is no narrative, just real life, which to some people is sad and boring. I plan on just using the lighting around me, the ambiance of what lighting is already inside and natural lighting, this is so nothing is staged and it is all real. I am hoping to find different kinds of lighting, to add more colour to the shots.

To avoid a narrative structure, i will add shots of another scene into another scene with quick jump cuts. The footage that i shot, i am going to try and have it out of order, so there isn't a story to follow, although most Italian neorealism films do have a story to follow, mine won't because i want to focus on the realistic nature of everyday life, how everything and everybody is living their own lives and they get mixed up within one another. There won't be any diabetic music to give the idea of not knowing what is going on with other peoples lives, they all merge together. I don't what any one i am filming to know i am filming them because people act different when they know they are on camera.

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