Wednesday 24 May 2017

editing thumbnails

When editing the clips are kept in the bottom left hand corner, you can see the thumb nails of each video so you can identify the clips, you can also hover over each clip to play a part of it to help disiquish which clip it is, as there are many that are quite similar to each other. You can also double click and play the clips and open at the top an area in which you can view the whole clip with sound.

research methods

Research is for:
Facts about the subject
Gather a more understanding of the subject
Gather opinions
Checking facts

Types of research:
Production research - Used to inform the production
(Qualitative) Market research - why the products are produced and how they appeal, in more detail
(Quantitive) Audience research - Analysing the products and why they appeal to audiences

Qualitative research is better for when you are making a product like a music video for example, if not a lot of people like violence or metal music, then to be successful you would want to appeal to the audience and if the audience doesn't like what is in the video they won't want to watch it, it doesn't offer facts in data numerical form, which isn't good if you needed statistics to back up the product as it is more descriptive.

Quantitive research consists of numerical data and statistics that is absolute, it is facts not opinions, this is laid out in graphs or charts to show the information, this makes it easy to analyse and draw conclusions form, it is also free from bias.

Primary research - this is the information found "for the first time" this is done by using techniques such as interviewing, observation, focus groups and questionnaires / surveys.

Secondary research - this is research and facts that have already been found such as books, films, journals, magazines, the internet or note taking from DVD's or CD's.


Music video- instamental Coldplay- Fix You

editing to sound

Monday 22 May 2017


I decided to do a found footage music video, showing the difference between man made and nature. I chose an instrumental version of fix you by coldplay because it had the right slow tempo and had the same pace as i wanted the video to have. If i had more time i would have liked to add more of my own footage because i found it difficult finding the kind of clips that i wanted,  near the beginning there are 3 of my own clips. I didn't feel like the clips were that high of quality which brought the quality of the video down. The video was supposed to have a message of what we are doing to the Earth but re-watching the video that isn't all that clear. I made my video experimental by putting the clips over clips to try and emphasise my point by comparing them both. Editing was quite easy as it was very simple to cut the clips that i wanted to you as then adjust the contrast so that you can see both clips.

Some of the images are grainy and the quality of the clips that i have found are low quality, also because they are found footage the clips are not all the same size, so when editing i had to change the size of my clips so that they are all the same size, so it doesn't look off when i have put them on top of each other, however it means that there are blank space around the clips because not all the clips were big enough to fit the screen.

It doesn't look that good but, i think the clip go well with the music because of the slow pace and saddened tone. I had to cut the song down to 3 minutes from it's original 6 because of the struggle of finding the clips for a video that long and because of the subject of the video is not all that interesting, the clips are similar to each other, if i had more time i could have came up with a more interesting concept and maybe a more original song. I did rush to find the clips, find the music, find a concept and edit, so it isn't that good of a job, i could have done a better job if i were to give myself more time and had a clearer idea when i started the project of what i wanted to do.

I attempted to have a little bit of experimental by having clips come in at different parts to the music, this happens at the beginning, the clips don't take up the whole screen and there is a bit of blank space around them but the clips are not there for long so that i feel like i can get away with the amount of black space that i have.  

I have a lot of layers to work with because part of what makes this found footage experimental is the layers ontop of each other, so you are seeing the clips at the same time on top of each other. The amount of layers i had at times did confuse me because i wanted certain ones over certain clips and so  the layers did confuse me, if i had been more organised with my layers, it would have been more simple.

music for the video

The song i picked was 6 minuets long which is too long for the music video and considering the time and because i am doing found footage, it is going to be very difficult to made a video that long. I got the much cut down to around three minutes.